Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I think they miss me.

A few times in my life, I've been the one that got away.

And it sucks.

Because months after a breakup, after moving on, after making drastic changes and getting settled, an ex's parents always contact me. ALWAYS. The wonderful parents that were so hard to say goodbye to (sometimes harder than saying goodbye to the ex).

It happened tonight. I get some casual what's-up type of email from my favorite ex boyfriend's-dad. It's really sweet and I'm so flattered. But I wonder, is this communication appropriate? Probably. But I can't help but feel kinda bad. I mean, I HAVE moved on.

Does the parent really not know anything about what I'm doing? Surely the ex has said SOMETHING about my current situation. Or does the ex hate me that much? Think I'm not worth mentioning?

This is the worst timing possible. I JUST got off of a girly phone call where the main topic was how exes have screwed us up. And then BAM, a letter from an ex's parent.

A parent that I absolutely adored.

Perhaps I'm on the verge of how to discard an ex but keep his parents. What a wonderful thing that would be.

1 comment:

Jeremiah said...

As you know, I've been duly impressed by your writing for a long time, so I'm very happy to hear that you're doing it on a daily basis.

And if (like me), your ambition tends to throw common sense into the trunk for a screaming, white-knuckled joyride, NaNoWriMo begins next month.

