Thursday, October 11, 2007

Haikus about food make me happy.

Oh, carbohydrates.
You make me happy inside.
But fat on outside.

I love you, sushi.
And I don't say love often.
So get in my mouth!

I want omelettes.
I want them for ev'ry meal.
Even for linner!

I do not eat meat.
I'm a vegetarian.
All plants should watch out!

But I do eat fish.
After all, they do not walk.
Feet are disgusting.

Bacom is from pigs.
And burgers are made with cow.
Bomb pops though? Clown meat!

Haikus are easy.
You know what else is easy!
Your mom! (She's meaty)

Cheese is awesome.
I'd put cheese on anything.
I want cheese ice cream!

Choc'late is sexy.
Unless you're diabetic.
Sexy time murder?

Twinkies are sponges.
Who would want to eat a sponge?
Fat people, that's who.

Fill me with queso.
Until my eyes turn yellow.
Yikes! Too much queso.

One hundred tacos.
This is what I want to eat.
I lied. That's too much.

Honey ginger tea.
I miss you every day.
I need some dumplings.

Green peas are from hell.
They taste like buttholes and farts.
How do I know that?

I think candy is
Just Jim-dandy and I want
It every day.

I need good night snacks.
Without them, I cannot sleep.
Fridge next to my bed?

The last food haiku.
Now what should it be about?
Apples and gravy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just drooled all over my Dell. Pinch. Poke. You owe me a new comp.
These made me laughy my taffy!