Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My bed is a people-eating alien.

I had a creepy feeling last night. Something just wasn't right.
So I forced myself awake and was given a fright.

My bed's headboard was glowing like some demon light stick.
And I could swear that something gave my feet a lick.

"Is my bed alive?" I thought to myself. "No, you're being crazy.
You ate before sleeping and that's making things hazy."

So I pulled the blanket up to my chin and gave a mighty yawn.
Then I heard a chomp, a slurp, a gulp and my pillow was gone!

"Mom!" I shouted as I ran screaming towards her room.
"My bed's a people-eating alien. If I sleep in it, I'm doomed!"

"Stop being so silly, dear," Mom said, "And go back to sleep."
I tried to argue with her but she shhhed me, "Not a peep."

I went back to my room and it was covered with teddy bear fluff.
While I was gone, that jerk alien bed had eaten my stuff!

I figured I should spend the night on the couch. It would be okay.
The living room was safer. My bed couldn't fit through the doorway.

So I lay down on the squishy, cushy couch and sank into the soft.
And it was far too late when I realized something was off.

I thought it was the bed in my room going, "Slurp slup!"
But I got sucked into the pillows of the cou... "BURP!"

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