Monday, December 17, 2007

Let's do the alphabet!

A dog walks into a bar.

Bartender says, "Hey, you can't come in here."

Cindy, the local barfly, lifts her head at the sound of the bartender's voice.

Dog asks, "And why can't I come in here?"

"Everyone in here is wearing shoes and a shirt. You are not," the bartender tells the dog.

"Fine, I'll go get some clothes. Would that suit you?"

"Good luck finding clothes for a dog," Cindy the barfly slurred.

Heartbroken, the dog left the bar in search of a shirt and shoes.

"I'll never find something," the dog whimpered to his self.

Just as he gave up hope, he tripped over a bump in the sidewalk.

"Kibbles and bits*," the dog swore as he held onto his stumped toe.

Lying on the sidewalk was a genie lamp. It has been rubbed as the dog tripped over it.

"Mekka lekka high mekka hiny ho," the genie proclaimed as he smoked out of the lamp.

"Now," he continued, "what can I do for you?"

"OW!" The dog shouted at the genie. He could only think about his toe.

"Perhaps some clothing? I hear you can't get into a local bar." The genie smirked.

"Quite right. They won't serve me because I'm naked," the dog told his new companion.

"Right. As they shouldn't. Not wearing clothes is weird." He waved his hands and the dog was dressed in a fancy zoot suit.

"Sweet. Now I can go get a beer!"

"Tell Cindy the barfly that Peter the Genie says hi!" the genie shouted at the dog as he pranced off.

"Uh oh. It's you again," the bartender exclaimed as the dog entered.

"Voila! I'm wearing clothes! Now you must serve me!"

"Well well well. You're right. What would you like?" the bartender asked.

"XX," the dog barked. "Dos Equis and a frosted mug."

"Yes sir," the bartender said as he poured the dog a cold one.

"Zang," the dog said as he gave a thumbs up. Excellent.

* That's "oh my stars" in dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It took me a minute and then I noticed what you did... I used to have a blog like that... then my father got a job!
PS, that should so be the title to our blog.