Thursday, December 20, 2007

Here are some random reasons why being an adult rocks my socks off.

I'll be darned, I'm really not wearing socks right now.

In no particular order, here are some random reasons why being an adult rocks.

* Alcohol. It's legal to drink. Sure it's fun drinking it as a teen and everything. But there's just something about bars that's way cooler than your best friend's dad's garage.

* Staying up late on weeknights. Hells to the yeah. It's 12:11 AM on a Thursday morning right now. And no one has told me to go to sleep.

* Drinking on school nights and staying up late. Double hells to the yeah. Hence why this blog is so stupid. I'm just trying to crank out something before I crash. Nothing but honesty here, folks.

* Your own refrigerator. It can be full o' goodies or it can be empty. Doesn't matter. Because it's my fridge. My dad isn't going to creep to my fridge in the middle of the night and drink my pomegranate juice. And that's awesome.

* Remote control ownership. This might be more of a I-live-alone thing. But when you're the seniority in a household, you own the TV screen. And you have the final say of what's on it. Boo-yah.

* Oodles and oodles of friends. After all, you've been collecting them your whole life. You've got dirt on them that Mr. Clean can't get rid of. The only problem - they've got even more on you.

* Alcohol. It's legal to drink ... Wait a minute!

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