Monday, September 8, 2008

Just let me do what I do.

Those of us who are working for a living feel like we specialize in something specific. Our jobs usually have a pretty clear description and (hopefully) we're skilled enough to fulfill the needs of that position.

I write for a living. I'm a writer. I've been a writer since before I could pick up a pencil. It's who I am. It's what I do. I'm very good at it. I'm thoughtful. I'm deliberate. I care about my writing. I'm not going to write crap because I don't want to make crap.

So acknowledge that. Acknowledge that I might know a bit about this English language and how to use it most effectively on paper. I know how to make things sound kind and sincere, urgent and necessary, or even angry and scathing.

So stop trying to do my job for me. You non-writing asshole(s).

If I ever hear the words, "I'm not a writer, but I think it should be more like [some idiotic-assed, half-thought-out, grammatically-insulting, re-worded reference to what I've already written]" one more fucking time, I'm going to use my pencil as a dart. Asshole's forehead will be the target.

I've impeccable aim, mind you.

Whew. I feel better now. Back to, well, writing.

1 comment:

hedcon said...

i'm going to print this out, frame it and hang it up.