Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This blog is brought to you by the letter J. And the number 1.

J is for Joy. Which just so happens to be a noun. A noun is a person, place or thing. Nouns can be either tangible or something untouchable like an idea. Joy is a state of elation and is usually the result of something very good. For example, when you've been taking Hydrocodone for a week, you feel joy.

J is also for jalapeño. In this word, J makes an H sound.
Jalapeños hot green or orange-red peppers. They're also in the fruit family. Capsicum annuum is the scientific nomenclature of the jalapeño. They're very spicy and can actually bring tears to your eyes. If you get jalapeño juice on your fingers and touch your eye, you will not feel joy for a long time.

The number 1 is considered the first number, unless you consider 0. But some don't, because 0 is the visual representation of nothing. Therefore, it's not a number like 1. 1 is also considered the loneliest number according to the band Three Dog Night.

The number 1 is a very important number. It's the last number in a countdown before 0. So if you've done something really bad like taken your sister's doll and your mom is counting down from 3 to allow you time to give it back, you've got until one to throw it at her head. Otherwise, you're getting popped in the face.

If you have 1 jalapeño, you have more jalapeños than someone who doesn't have any jalapeños. If you get jalapeño juice in 1 eye, you'll still have 1 eye to help you get to the nearest sink so you can rinse your face forever.

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