Friday, February 29, 2008

Don't park so close to my car.

I stood about five feet from the back bumper of my Mustang and just stared.

There was an SUV parked next to my car. Cool. It's a parking lot. Cars park next to one another.

This SUV, though, was parked as close as physically possible. Had it been a lower vehicle (or had my Mustang been taller) someone would have lost a side mirror.

So I stood. And stared. And wondered how I'd get into the car on crutches. Because that necessitates opening my door almost all the way.

Because usually in situations like this, as embarrassing as it is, I could climb in from the passenger side. But, oh no. That wasn't an option yesterday. Because (as I've stated before) I can't crawl.

This particular parking lot is at a freaking hospital for crying out loud. In front of the rehabilitation center. The chances of any driver in any one of these cars being somehow disabled is very high.

So how could someone be inconsiderate enough to completely block the entrance to a stranger's vehicle.

I stood. And stared.

A man walked by me. "That's really lame," he said. I agreed.

An older man passed a few moments later. He saw the site and grumbled.

I crutched around to the front of my car. Crutched back. Swayed back and forth and bit my lip as a third man approached. "You're in quite a pickle."

"Sure am."

"People are jerks," he informed me.

"Sure are."

I've never wanted to key a car so badly in my life. I thought about leaving an angry note under the SUV's wiper. But figured that'd do no good. I thought about going ape shit on their windshield with my crutches, but my footing isn't that good. That and I just can't do damage to someone's car. It's totally against everything I stand for.

Don't be a dick to strangers. You never know how bad their days have been.

So I stood there and pondered for minutes. I managed to slink in between the two cars without damaging the paint on either vehicle. And I opened my door. I could fit in the space, but could I do it without dinging the other vehicle and thus chipping my Mustang's own paint? And then could I do it one legged?

I had to try. Who knew how long it would take the SUV driver to show up.

So I gingerly slid my crutches into the Mustang. This took a few tries. After all, crutches are long and they don't bend.

Then, I squeezed all but the bad leg in through the door (by pretty much falling into it, an old tumbling trick).

And then, using my newly acquired arm muscles, I lifted and twisted and spiraled and got the un-bending leg into the space.

I drank wine last night in celebration.