Sunday, February 24, 2008

Leave the Scientologists alone.

A good number of churches need to change the signs out front. Instead of Methodist or Baptist, Catholic or non-denominational, they just need to chisel into the wood "HYPOCRITE."

The hot thing to do right now seems to be attacking the Scientologists. Because they're crazy and they ask for money and they practice a "religion" that was created by a Sci-Fi writer.

Stop it. Just stop it. They aren't hurting you. They aren't doing anything any different than the Christians and Muslims and whatever other religion has done over the course of time. And everyone is acting like they're red-tailed devils roaming the streets.

So someone created Scientology. Big whoop. The man has a name. L. Ron Hubbard. For fuck's sake, at least Scientologists know who created their belief system. Do you really have any idea who Luke, John, Peter, Matthew, Mark and Corinthians are? Think about it for a second. Christianity is old. And it's changed over time, in case you weren't aware. So the religion you practice today is very different than the same-named religion your great great great grandparents practiced. I don't believe Luke, John, Peter, Matthew, Mark and Corinthians rewrote the Bible recently. Or did I not get that memo?

And there are daily reports of celebs giving this many millions to the Church of Scientology. And this always sparks controversy. How is this any different from churches passing out collection plates every Sunday? Wealthy individuals have been writing large checks to religious institutions for eons. Televangelists sell out stadiums and collect and collect and collect. If John Travolta had written a check to the First Baptist Church of Los Angeles, no one would bat an eyelash.

Your religion, your belief structure, isn't the best. It might be the best for you, but it's certainly not the best for everyone. Get over it.

Stop trying to control other people. Stop trying to save people who don't need your saving. Stop judging total strangers for not kneeling as deeply as you do.

Stop being a hypocrite.

Allow others to practice (or not practice) what they want and need to. Otherwise, this hate is never going to end. And no god is happy with that.


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct, I don’t have a clue who Luke was.

But I can read his book for free. It isn’t spoon-fed in a series of graduated levels that require hundreds of thousands of dollars to progress through. Personal information isn’t collected along the way that is used to blackmail anyone who speaks out against the abuses they see.

Scientology is very much hurting civilized society. This so-called religion is at war with the nation’s mental health care system. And is this war based off of principle and research? No, at it’s core it’s based off a space-alien cosmology that believes psychiatrists are reincarnated goons controlled by the evil intergalactic warlord Xenu!

Scientology is essentially a big fat global crime syndicate that cloaks itself in and hides behind religion, but is not a religion itself in any sense. It entraps people into a dangerous form of psychotherapy that ultimately gets used against them, while taking them for every cent they have.

You really need to study up on what that cult is about. You’ll find very few similarities between it and real religion. Your ignorance is stunning.

FrequencyDown said...

Organized religion is all a farce. Scientology is no different from any secular christian religion.

Yes, some shit is way crazy, but there are just as many fanatical christians or whatever and the Bible reads like one long boring, trite work of fiction (and Dan Brown isn't to blame for that one).

We believe what we believe for different reasons, most of it as a comfort factor. We crave answers and sometimes religion is the thing that sedates and keeps "us" in line.

It's just in fashion right now to point the finger and laugh because of how fantastical it all sounds. It's an easier target because it's in our lifetime.

But yeah, I'm with you, Vern.