Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The dish ran away with the spoon.

The Dish household was a normal one. There was a Mommy Dish, a Daddy Dish, and a Teenaged Daughter Dish. Like most households, there were slight problems.

The Teenaged Daughter Dish, for example, was a little ungrateful, arrogant, self-centered, and ignorant. But this is nothing out of the ordinary. Teenagers, even those made of clay or china, are hormonal and spontaneous.

So when the Daughter Dish brought over her new boyfriend, the Spoon, her parents freaked a bit.

Here was this dirty, silver-tongued renegade eyeballing their pyrex princess. And they didn't like it at all.

But they dined with the spoon regardless, and sent him on his way making sure he didn't kiss their daughter goodnight.

"Dear," the Mommy Dish said to her daughter, "we don't want you seeing Spoon anymore."

This common statement didn't fly with the youngest of the Dishes. "You don't understand!" she shouted. "I love him! We're going to get married."

"That," replied the Daddy Dish, "will not happen as long as you live under this roof, young lady. We can't have you canoodling with a common scoop."

"He's NOT a SCOOP!" she screamed through tears. "He's stainless steel!" The Daughter Dish ran to her room and slammed the door so hard, the Dishes rattled.

She grabbed her cell phone and furiously texted her ladle lover.

Dish: the rents r so lame. they dont undrstnd.

Spoon: mine either. wut 2 do?

Dish: lets run away!!

(after some time) Spoon: lets du it! we need help

And so the Spoon and the Daughter Dish conspired to run away together with the help of some friends.

The next night at dinner, a raucous was heard.

"Do you hear that? Is that a fiddle?" the Daddy Dish asked.

Sure enough, the family went to the window to see a cat playing with a fiddle in their front yard.

The Mommy Dish ran outside to shoo the cat away, but she had to leap aside to avoid the charging cow who then leaped up so high, he cleared the moon!

While the Daddy Dish was coming to his wife's aid, a little dog ran between them and rolled onto his back laughing.

And amidst all of the commotion, they failed to see their daughter, the Teenage Dish, run away with the Spoon.

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