Wednesday, April 9, 2008

For a young person, I'm really old.

Went to a rock show last night. (The fact that I just typed "rock show" reveals my geriatric tendencies.)

The headliners(who was awesome, by the way)played for three hours straight. They screamed for three hours straight. They climbed speakers and jumped off of other things for three hours straight.

It was their energy that kept me alive.

Five years ago, hell even three years ago, I could've gone to this show and jumped and screamed. Then I would have gone to a bar afterwards for a few. Then the night would've been topped off with some other physically demanding, extra curricular activity. But not now.

Oh, no. Not now.

Now I just pray for the last song. "Please end," I think. Although I'm having fun, my achy body is protesting the simple act of standing.

Because my poor, young body is finally old. Or so it feels old.

I blame having a desk job. I sit on my ass all day. I'm not as fit as I used to be.

So that means being responsible has made me old, not the other way around like so many think.

And I feel I'm just too young for this.

1 comment:

FrequencyDown said...

I feel this way at shows too now.

What's happening to us!