Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is an equal opportunity blog.

I was just using my handy phone to search for a nearby ATM when I noticed the small text on my bank's app.

"[Bank name] is an equal opportunity lender..."

I can't help but laugh a little. I mean, I'm glad my bank isn't racist. But I just think it's odd that banks (and all employers, for that matter) have to shout out, "Hey, we're not racist and discriminatory and you don't have to be a rich white dude with a mustache to work/shop/come here!"

At least I know that if I want my black friend or my brown friend or my yellow friend to come to the bank with me, they won't be sent outside.

Geez, but after really thinking about this---I guess if banks have to proclaim their equal-opportunityship, then the situation isn't funny. It's sad. It's like we expect every company out there to be full of racist asses.

Isn't it 2010?

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