Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One plus one equals two. And it'll stay that way.

One odd thing I've encountered since being engaged is the topic of divorce.

Or perhaps I shall call it the comedic subject of divorce. Because since announcing my plans to legally fuse my life with another human, people like to jest about their past separations.

"Oh, you'll love getting married. I loved it so much, I did it three times!"

"Oh, honey, you don't want advice from me. I'm working on divorce number three!"

"It's even better the second time. You get to finish your china pattern!"

No lie, I've heard all of these. Some of them numerous times.

And at the risk of sounding a little offended on purpose, I'm offended. It just seems a little crass to so casually joke about divorce when I'm not even wearing my wedding band yet.

Not that everyone has to do cartwheels when I announce my marriage plans. But in the very least, just don't mention divorce. I get it---people joke about divorce as a coping mechanism. But it's not funny. Especially to a bride. Especially to a bride whose childhood was shaped by divorce.

Yes, tons of marriages never see it through 'til death. Statistics are not in my favor. And divorces aren't as taboo as they used to be. 

But do you know what? We don't care. We're in this thing until the end because we promised each other. And we're both committed and in love and we have good people supporting us from all sides. And we're not entering this union lightly.

And next time some snarky bitch jokes about divorce when she sees my ring, I'm just going to have to tell her, "It's too bad you didn't get Craig first."

1 comment:

Ashley said...

i can't believe people say that stuff to you!!

Marriage of course is going to be hard sometimes but the only thing it takes to work is what you guys already have- a promise. A promise to stay, a promise to love, a promise to work through conflict and stay intimate. You're going to love marriage. And you're going to have 70+ years of a great one!