Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm so tired.

First thing's first. If you got the Beatles reference, kudos.

I'm very tired lately. I'm tired in that I-can't-process-information way. In the I-have-no-attention-span way. In the I-can't-classify-sounds type of tired. (In fact, it took me a few times to remember how to spell "tired." I kept trying to stick a Y in there.)

It could be post-bachelorette-party-pre-wedding-itis. But I think it's more than that. I think it's because I've been getting up mega early everyday to go sit in a desk at 8:30.

I know, sarcastic boohoos from all around. Most people have to go to work early and I should just suck it up.

Well, I am sucking it up. But it's sucking me up.

Because I can't sleep at night. Waking up at seven would be easier if I could fall asleep before one. But I just can't. For some reason, the moon catalyzes my idea machine and I can't put it to rest as easily as most.

As a kid, my parents would tell me to just go to bed early. So I would. And then I'd lay there for hours frustrated. Counting sheep would only add to my aggravation because math is already hard for me--adding boredom just made it torture.

In my last two years of high school (for the most part) I managed to get my days to start at nine (my school began at 7:30 in the morning) with clever scheduling and the help of my journalism teacher. In college, I didn't attend any classes before 10. And it saved my ass.

As an adult, I've usually had pretty cool bosses who didn't mind that I rolled in after nine. Because I'd make up for it later when my brain was awake. But for the meantime, I'm sitting in an office at 8:30  in the morning. And I'm exhausted. Because my pillow wasn't soft enough until sometime around two last night.

It isn't the pillow's fault. It isn't my fault. I've just never been able to sleep early.

So here I ramble because the real work is hard to focus on. Maybe I should start drinking coffee.

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