Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I miss you, photography.

Dear Photography,

Long time no see, my old friend. How've you been?

I've been alright. Been hanging out with writing quite a bit. Make that for years, actually. 

But you're more than aware of that.

I know you and I haven't spoken much since I decided to dedicate my professional life to written words instead of the implied thousand that a picture portrays. And I know it's probably made you feel hurt and betrayed.

Because I never left my house, dorm room, or college apartment without a camera in tow. But money was tight and film cost money where typing didn't.

Then the digital invasion took over. Granted, I got a point-and-shoot complete with CCD. But snapping candids just didn't (and still doesn't) have the same stealth that a film-based SLR had (and has). I didn't want to get a digital SLR, either. I would miss the familiar CLAP of the mirror flipping up, or the shutter sliding to expose the film. That 1/60 of a second of blindness through the lens. The fear of wrongly exposing the delicate film or even accidentally opening the camera back.

So I fought the digital invasion. Refusing to shoot brides with anything but film. Telling clients that digital really wasn't "there yet."

Didn't matter. Brides wanted their photos on discs. People wanted their albums online. The world went the way of DPI instead of millimeters of celluloid.

And so I left, photography. I abandoned you. I slipped out one night while you were sleeping. 

And I've regretted it. I miss you daily.

So I've decided to bite the bullet that killed our relationship. I've decided to research and test out and commit.

I will buy a fancy digital SLR. I'll get lenses and flashes.

And we will be reunited. That is if you'll have me back.

Because in our time apart, I've realized writing might be my lover, but you are my soul mate.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I have to confess that we had a little fling while you were "on a break."