Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tonight, I'm blogging with my eyes closed.

That's right, kids. I'm typing this with my eyes closed. Let's hope I don't put my fingers on the wrong keys (I am periodically looking to make sure).

So why with closed eyes you might be wondering. Well, I just felt like being blind for a short amount of time. And let me tell you that it sucks. I'm only sitting on my couch thing with my computer in my lap and already I'm over it. Because not seeing what I'm doing is a royal pain.

I really admoire blind people. Because they hav eto do way more than just type.

I think i sfr s trslly bsf yyp. zoh, vtsp. yhid idn'y hoof, id iyz/

Wow, one wuick look (cheating, I admit_ and I notived that my hands were on the wrong keys. Damn. That sentence was supposed to be about a previous typo that I felt. Then an 'oh crap, this can't be good." It wasn't. As you saw.

So vision-impaired computer users have all kinds of nifty tricks to help them surf the web. Well, I only know of one nifty trick. There's this screen reader program callede JAWS. It reads the screen, hence the name 'screen reader.' But it sounds like a soulless robot from planet 'I'm going to eat your soul.' Seriously. The thing is scary sounding. JAWS is a perfect name for it.

I thinnk, no, I know that losing my eyesight would be the worst thing that could happen to me. I enjoy reading way to miuch. And I know that there's braille and books on CD. But they're not he same. Take my smell, taste, hearing. Just don't take my eyes.

I bet typing without looking is easier with an actual non-laptop keyboard. Actually, I know it is. I do it at work all of the time. It's easier to find the keys since they're raised.

Oh! You know what I just just JUST really notived? Thos little nubs on the jome keys. I can't tell you which keys they are, cause my fingers just kinda of know where the letters are )kind of know_. But if my jand slips off, I can just find the nubs with my pointers and be back in business. For the most part, at least.

You should try this typing with out looking thing. It's kin of fun.

And by kind of fun, i mean it's killing me. When I write, I usually go back and reread what I've already written a few times. Then I cahange things, reword things. Sometimes move sentences or strike entire paragraphs. That's no the case tonight. Now you get every erratic thought, typos and all.

Better stop now, then. For my own pride and safety.


hedcon said...

i will comment with my eyes closed, too. it's hard becuase i have a laptop, too. i'd hate to be blind. okay, i'm ready to see how i did ...

FrequencyDown said...

I cant seem to dio it@ nYTo9yu are awesine@