Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just butt out and say, "Thank you," when it's over.

There are several reasons I wanted to elope. But I was overruled with fierceness.

So now I'm running myself to the bone trying to please everyone. Trying to please people whose opinions don't really matter because they aren't getting married at this thing. Trying to please people with HUGE opinions so early in the process, that they really just get in the way. Just hinder the overall process.

I really just want to shout, "Hey, butt out. If you weren't involved until the day of, until you're lifting a forkfull of beef to your mouth, then you'd have no opinions other than, 'Hmm. Good.'"

Because it's true. People are insane critics for no reason because we give them the option to be. If they would just butt the fuck out and wait until the end, they'd have no idea what they're missing. They'd only see the pretty colors, taste the delicious food, and dance to the hopping music.

But instead, they labor over stupid shit. Like the silvertone of the forks. Or the creases ironed into the table cloths. Or even how the programs will look in pictures.

The bride isn't concerned. She just wants to dance with her husband, raise a glass, and make some memories.

Can't you all just let her do that?

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