Friday, May 30, 2008

People like to write more than they like to read.

Study after study shows that people don't read the internet.

People skim the internet.

Yet most internet writers fill the web with long prose that go one forever.
Tedious, never-ending sentences. Pointless chatter in thick paragraphs. Incomprehensible marketing speak on every mouseover.


People can't thoroughly read the internet. They just can't.

Because computer screens emit light. Reading your long-ass blog about your trip to the grocery store is like asking someone to read a grocery list burnt into the sun.


Words are different in print. You write a book, people are going to take the time to read it. Because paper doesn't glow and cause nearsightedness.

But you write some ceaseless diatribe* about how your boyfriend is an ass and your friends suck. And you have no consideration for the people reading (if they do read). The end is never in sight and your whining gets worse and worse.

Seriously, would you read that crap if someone else wrote it?

Or you're an advertiser who waxes poetic about your new product for pages and pages. Meanwhile, the user just wants to know what your keyboards look like up close.

I suppose people just like the sound of their own voices, even if they're in type.

*I've always wanted to use the word diatribe!

1 comment:

FrequencyDown said...

Totally. Of course you can read my thoughts on it and other life observations in my blog.

The most recent entry about soup cans and the check out girl is about 4 pages.