Monday, May 5, 2008

How old are we?

Had lunch with my coworkers today.

It was a pretty typical lunch. Eight of us. Four pizzas (thin crust). Two cars. Nothing out of the ordinary.

My group left first. The other group had cigarettes before heading back. As my car drove past, someone commented, "They're busy talking to the owner."

Didn't think anything of it.

Got back to the office and was getting settled when I hear, "Yeah, she's here."

My boss and two other male coworkers enter. They hand me a business card. "The owner said to give this to you."


"Are you serious?" I asked.

I took the card and saw a name, a phone number, and the following message:
If you don't have a boyfriend... Call me?

"Are you fucking with me?" I asked.

They started laughing. "Seriously, guys, are you making this up?"

They weren't. And they thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

Apparently, Mr. Restaurant Owner asked the group if I had a boyfriend. My boss wanted to answer, "Well, she has a daddy." Mr. Restaurant Owner is a little older than me. And by little, I'm thinking twenty years.

Not that a twenty-years difference is a problem. The fact that I'm in a relationship, though, is.

And the fact that he sort of passed a note. If only he'd included a check yes/no option.

Okay, not really.

All in all, I'm flattered. But now I've get to endure the teasings of my male counterparts for the next month. Or at least until something else exciting happens around here.

UPDATE: Is it Hit-On-Veronica day? Some dude just asked me out on a date using Facebook. I suspect my coworkers may be behind this. Or at least I hope so.

1 comment:

FrequencyDown said...

Via Facebook?! Lame!

I can see the other scenario, but facebook? Come on!