Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stop posting my salary, Yahoo!

Yahoo! often posts small articles about the best jobs for whatever year. Or jobs that let you eat brownies all day. Or jobs that are fun and pay well.

Yesterday, Yahoo! mentioned being a freelance writer. And then right there posted the projected annual salary.

I hate it when Yahoo! does this. Because I'm a freelance writer. And I know what I make. And I'm not going to say it's below what they posted. And I'm not going to say it's above what they posted.

But they posted something. And now many of the people whom I try to hide my salary from have a number in their head. And they can judge me for either being cheap because I'm poor or cheap because I'm cheap.

It's one thing if my friends get nosey and go to Talent Zoo and actively search for what I might make. But to have it right there on the very popular Yahoo! homepage sucks.

It also sucks when people have linked it on Facebook.

I should have opened up a bakery.

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