Saturday, June 19, 2010

Of course there isn't more video.

Since I just posted about a video, I must get this story out of my brain.

Yes, yes, yes. I got married a few months ago. And like most weddings, there was major head butting between the bride and the person with the checkbook.

Not that the wedding was extravagantly expensive. It was well under the Dallas average. But that aside, we didn't hire a videographer. We're lucky that we live in the days of the Flip cam and the iPhone. And various people recorded our nuptials from various angles and I'm slowly putting them all together for a DVD to watch when I'm a 50.

But last night, my dad asks me, "Who recorded the reception?"


"Dad," I very carefully replied, "no one recorded the reception."

"Why not?" he asked.

In a panic, not knowing how to answer without totally insulting him, I eeked out, "We didn't hire anyone to record it. So no one did. I've seen a snippet here of a few dance floor videos. That's it."

"So no one recorded our dance* or the cake cutting?" he directed at me. With complete ignorance.

At this point, I'm shocked. One, because he knew damn well he didn't want to front the money to pay a pro. It was discussed heavily. And I was cool with that (because as a photographer, I like photos anyway). And two, because we had PIE AND NOT CAKE. How could he forget that? He fought me on it until the night before the wedding. Seriously. At the rehearsal dinner, he asked me, "Are you sure you don't want a cake? We can probably still get one."

"No, dad. The only thing we have from the reception are pictures. No video."

"Oh. Hmm. Maybe we should have hired someone."

Fuck me.

*That he never picked a song for, by the way. And the DJ had to scramble for one LITERALLY as Dad was going to the dance floor. Never mind that I harangued him about it weekly. Then daily once we hit the seven-days-before-the-wedding mark. I even sent him MP3s and said, "Choose one."

1 comment:

hedcon said...

sigh ... just think positive things about it, because it was such a wonderful time! he paid for the amazing, beautiful dress, the perfect venue, the GREATEST SALMON I'VE EVER HAD and an open bar that we all overly enjoyed. it was the best wedding ever and it will be remembered that way!

p.s. i know. it's frustrating. gotta love dads and their dadness.