Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm scared.

Over the last few days, some insane videos have been traveling through the cables and onto our screens.

They show the latest-and-greatest PhotoShop capabilities and forensic image enhancing softwares.

They give us a small taste of how easy it's getting to completely manipulate photos or make teeny, pixelated images clear again. (It's possible now, it just takes hours and hours. This new software looks like it slices that time into hundredths.)

This is tragic.

Nothing is going to be real anymore. And clients are going to expect us to be able to do anything (and they kind of already do---and it sucks).

So when the insane, frazzled client calls the designer at 10:30 at night demanding that she wants a photo of her cat to be her company logo, here she took a picture with her camera phone in the dark and she can email it right now. And since the fancy designer has all of this awesome software because that's what designers have because "designers make so much money," the designer won't have any excuses. Because the designer WILL be able to use that awful image of a cat. And salvage it. And clean it up. And make it look usable (but not good because using a photos of a cat as a logo is a stupid idea, although it gets asked all of the time, trust me).

Clients already don't listen. And now they'll just shout louder because technology is now matching their impossibly insane demands.

We're fucked.

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