Thursday, January 8, 2009

I did a complete 180.

In just a month shy of a year, I've done a complete medical 180.


Tonight, just moments ago, I straightened my new knee all the way to 180 degrees for the first time since surgery.

I managed to sit straight-legged and get my heel of the ground. So I even went a teeny bit beyond.

It's been a year, a whole year since my leg has been completely straight.

I forgot how good it feels.

The doctors and therapists and nurses all told me it would take a year.

But together, Knee and I managed to do it in 11 months.

I can't help it, I started to cry. Right there in the gym full of manly men. You could probably even say I sobbed. But it was wonderful. Knee and I did it!

We feel pretty good right about now.

Where's the ibuprofen again?

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Congratulations!! Marathon, here you come!