Thursday, November 11, 2010

Can we say girl power?

A friend of mine dated this guy for around two months. It was a fun little fling that she needed to get over a previous ex.

Because as most of us know, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

Well, he called it off, and to her it was no big deal. She wasn't going to marry this guy anyway.

But then he started checking up on her. Via mutual friends. And painting this picture that she was depressed and eating tubs of ice cream while sobbing to Lifetime movies.

So she sends him this:

Posted with her permission.

Um. Genius. If I had half the balls as my friend does, I'd rule the fucking world and drive a motorcycle or something.

Instead, I can only bestow her Awesome status. Which ain't bad, in my awesomely humble opinion.

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