Thursday, December 3, 2009

You’re not going to guilt me, stupid frownie hand.

Ever since replacing my Sonicare electric toothbrush (which is a fantastic toothbrush, I must say), I’ve been getting spammed to death by its maker, Philips.

As a consumer, the best thing I can do for the company is to tell the world about my teeth-brushing experience and get my friends to try the product for themselves.

But Philips, like most companies, has decided to torture me with weekly emails about new and impressive products. I'm not buying electronics every sing week--I don’t give a shit.

I get it, though. After all, I’m one of the people who unfortunately has to write asshole emails telling people about sales and new things, etc. (and from the other end, they’re just as annoying). Because no matter how much you like a brand, you don't want to hear from them every day (and any brand who thinks people love them that much is painfully wrong).

So I don’t blame people one second for unsubscribing.

Anyway, my point. I decided to unsubscribe from this email list. Why do I need to know about other products? They’ve already got me for life. Their stuff is good and it works. Every time my toothbrush dies, I will replace it. Guaranteed. And if I'm buying some other hygienic items, I'll consider a Philips based on the awesomeness of my toothbrush.

So I click unsubscribe. And I fill out the reason why (because I’m somewhat sympathetic to the makers of these messages).

And then the screen turns to this.

A frownie hand? Really? What in the fuck is this shit? Philips, a very serious company, is going to guilt me with a frownie hand? A BAD frownie hand?

Fuck that. Now I’m pissed. I'm offended, actually.

Philips, you might have lost yourself a lifetime customer because your client-side marketing manager is a dickhead. Next time my Sonicare’s battery goes, I’m going with a Crest Spinbrush.

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