Friday, September 18, 2009

The lugubrious Queen begrudgingly types out another insipid blog while …

If the Queen wrote like Dan brown, her blog would sound something like this:

“I should be making millions of dollars,” the Queen thinks to herself as she files down her ever-growing fingernails with a dull emery board as corpulent raindrops pelted the window pane. The sound brings her back to a time she’d rather forget. How could that day have happened!

In a state of resurfaced ancient angst, the Queen stands on her feet and deposits the emery board onto a nearby table—one purchased some time ago from a stylish yet conveniently inexpensive build-it-yourself surplus store.

And so on.

Dan Brown sucks and we all know it.

Admittedly, I am jealous. There’s no sense in hiding it. I could pen something like "the Da Vinci Code" in a day. If only I weren't so damn lazy.

1 comment:

hedcon said...

where is the like button on this thing?