Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh, crap. Am I a vegetarian ... vampire?

Today, I was alone in the elevator when I started looking at my nails. And I noticed that my hands were sparkling ever so slightly.

Hmm, I guess my hand lotion has some shimmer in it, I thought. Then I noticed that my arms were also glittery.

But I didn't remember putting lotion on my arms.

My upper arms shined under the dim lights of the elevator as well.

What the fuck, I thought.

Looking at the halogen bulbs in the ceiling, and then wondering if there were indeed cameras hidden in there somewhere, I tossed out caution and lifted my shirt enough to see my stomach.


That's when I panicked. Because I wasn't wearing anything on my person that would make me sparkle.

Then it hit me. I'm one of those sparkly, glittery, asshole vampires from Twilight.

I shine. And I twinkle.

At least in low light.

I couldn't run out of my building and into the sun fast enough. Where I discovered that if I was sparkling, it wasn't visible in the daylight.

A small bit of relief sandwiched inside of a bigger, glittery question.

Is it normal to twinkle in low light? Someone please tell me this isn't exclusive to just me and that fictitious, possessive Edward jerk. Please!

1 comment:

hedcon said...

it's okay. the good vampires in twilight were "vegetarians," too. :)