Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I like my Coke with a capital C.

I knew better.

I knew that if I had the Coke*, then I wouldn't sleep for hours. It would get in my veins, my heart, my head and keep me frantically searching for something to do all night.

And that's exactly what it did.

I don't have Coke that often. Probably only once a month or so. But last night, I needed it. I needed it badly.

Around 8:30 PM, a waiter gave me my fix (waiters always have Coke, don't they?). About ten minutes later, he gave me some more. I didn't really want more, but how could I say no to more Coke?

So I made quick work of it. And it was so good.

Around midnight, I tried to go to sleep. But the Coke wouldn't let me.

I tossed. I turned. I stole the covers. I returned them.

Hours passed. Sleep couldn't fight with the chemicals in my system.

I rolled over and watched my fiance sleep. His eyes opened and he met my gaze for a few seconds. Then he continued sleeping. I bet he wasn't even awake. I recently wrote an article about the stages of sleep and it's not uncommon for people to open their eyes, speak, or even get up while in stage 2.

I rewrote the article in my head as I watched him sleep. While I was buzzing off of Coke.

At around 3:30, the boredom finally got to me. So I played mahjong. I watched infomercials. I sat through half of a movie.

I started to crash around 4:30. Finally, after around 7 hours, the Coke was finally wearing off.

I crept back into the bedroom and covered myself with the sheets. Sometime around 8:45, my fiance kissed me goodbye as he left for work.

I woke up embarrassingly late and mucked about all day. Maybe tomorrow I'll get some work done.

As long as I stay away from Coke tonight.

*Pepsi is for chumps. It's all about the Coca Cola.

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