Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanks for the Christmas card, stranger.

Back when Cooter and I were inviting people to our wedding, we ran into the same problem so many couples face.

Mom and Dad want to invite everyone from here to the moon, no matter how well (or unwell) they knew these people.

I can safely say that my Dad invited at least ten people whom he barely knew. At one point, he even said, "I think that's her last name."

Why invite people who are practically strangers? I have no idea. But he was paying and we had to oblige.

Anyway, there's one couple's name that kept popping up. Because every time our expending family would look at the invite list, they would ask, "Who are Jane and John Doe?" (Obviously, I changed the names.) And a every time, Cooter and I would say, "We have no clue. [Dad] invited them."

And most of the time, Dad couldn't remember who they were either.

Again, why were they invited to our wedding?

Chances are, they had no clue in hell who I was. And no clue in the largest circle of hell who Cooter was. But they feel like they should know us now, because we got a Christmas card from them. Picture and all.

And still, even after seeing their smiling faces, we have no idea who these people are.

Oh well. Nice to know that even as strangers, we're worth a 48 cent stamp.

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