Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What is wrong with all of the women?

I really don't get it. No matter how hard I try I can't understand why Twilight is such a phenomenon. 

It's about a moody, vapid, and dangerously immature teenage girl who can't choose between a sparkly pedophile and a housepet.

She let's the pedophile manipulate her. Let's him tell her she's weaker than him. That only he can protect her. Then he leaves her only to return and tell her the same I-do-it-for-you crap. That follows very closely to the definition of a mentally abusive relationship. 

I hate what these books teach not only young women, but all women. That it's okay to be treated like a little doll, told that we're weak but it's okay because it's so cute, and that we should be okay with puttig ourselves in danger for a crush. Because bones heal and skin regenerates. 

I'm all for a fantasy story. I'm all for love and tales of romance. But I'm not for telling women that it's okay to be the lesser person in a relationship. Because in the end your creepy older boyfriend will marry you and the younger guy you like/d can then date your daughter.

I hope the sun sets on this Twilight crap soon. The proud woman in me is weeping for my lost friends.

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