Monday, November 9, 2009

Please don’t talk to me right now.

Most would consider me an extrovert. I like to talk. Love to listen. And am usually pretty happy when there are a few people around.

But I’m not always a walkie, talkie, machine of love.

Sometimes, I don’t want to engage in any form or level of communication. This sometimes is when I’m in the bathroom.

Yes. I’m human. I understand everyone else is human and I’m fully aware that other humans know what my human body is doing when I’m being as human as possible behind closed doors.

Even despite all of this understanding, I still consider this super-duper-private time.

So don’t talk to me.

Because I don’t want to talk to you.

It’s bad enough that stuff is coming out of the south end. Don’t make the north end have to do work, too.

Just let me be for a few moments. We can talk while washing hands.

I promise.


Me said...

I totally agree!

Ashley said...

Me too. I sometimes ignore them and hope they don't recognize my shoes.